P-TECH » 2019-2020 Exploration Academy - Day 1 & 2

2019-2020 Exploration Academy - Day 1 & 2

Day 1:

On Thursday, September 26, 2019, 3rd - 5th Grade students from Tekoa Academy of Accelerated Studies in Port Arthur and Orange traveled to Space Center Houston for their first session of Exploration Academy.  They learned about rocketry and Newton’s laws of motion. Then students visited the Starship Gallery and got to see man’s journey into space. They ended the day by constructing a rocket of their own. Next time, lift-off!

Day 2:

    We are "go" for launch!  Students started their second day of Exploration Academy by launching their rockets.  Then they toured a mock-up of SkyLab and learned about life on the International Space Station.   Afterward, students explored the I.S.S. through virtual reality.